Take this job and fill it with another person

I have resigned my senior writer position at Creative Loafing effective December 5.

It's likely I will continue to write my Don't Panic column for CL and others. I'm still discussing the details with the paper.

For December and most of January, I plan to focus my energy on the book I'm writing with Jodi Anderson and Daniel Ehrenhaft.

They've been very supportive and patient with me while I've dealt with work-related stress and put aside the book to have a wedding and honeymoon. I owe our project my focus for a while. The book is scheduled to be published in early 2010.

My other project at the moment is a Don't Panic-style blog — a daily compendium of international news, commentary, my crappy Photoshopping, a podcast, and, I hope, animation and video.

I've had two opportunities to turn Don't Panic into an animated series. One was a bad offer that I turned down. The other, was a good offer I squandered through inattention. I'm hoping a third attempt will succeed -- if not financially, then at least creatively.

I'm thinking of calling the site Turban Legend for no other reasons than the name makes me laugh and I already have an illustration of myself in a turban.


10:19 Jodi Anderson said...

Hey, your post came up in an ongoing Google alert for "Jodi Anderson", which is also my name. If possible, could you pass this message along to the author, Jodi. I have received quite a few fan mails for her from adolescents that read her books. Is there an email address that I can share with them so that they can send the letters directly to her, instead of me.

Thank you.

:Jodi Anderson

11:44 jessica handler said...

CL really blew it this week, and your departure and Ken Edelstein's departure have made it a paper I won't bother to read. (Really, I hadn't read much more than you, John Sugg, and the lead article for a while, which is about all we had for local print media of value.)

Mazel tov on the wedding, btw!

17:55 Unknown said...

Turban Legend... I love it.... a Snopes for internet stories regardng the Middle East perhaps?

10:42 Anonymous said...

Andy - hit me back about creative for DP. I'm bored.