War of the shirtless idiots

A shirtless stupid person recorded a slanderous, hateful rant on YouTube about Atlanta super chef Shaun Doty.

I barely know Shaun, but I admire him greatly. I'm a big fan of his restaurants, and every time I see him he's kind and gracious to me and everyone around me.

So the stupid rant about him ticked me off. So much so, I arranged for a second shirtless idiot to respond.

Which prompted the first shirtless idiot to get even madder. (video 3).

And the second shirtless idiot to break down in tears. (video 4).

The Internet really brings out the best in people.


23:20 chamblee54 said...

Thank you for giving me something to write about.

02:31 The Chemist said...

I like the new look. That's all I came here to say.